In fact, one might say that you contribute, or donate to a charity, or simply take the shirt off your back to give to someone else in need not because you “need” to, but because someone else does. In fact, that’s what giving is all about. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that giving time, money, or attention to something — the core human need of contribution — isn’t something us humans find absolutely critical to our survival.

How do you know contribution’s one of your core basic needs?

That’s easy. Chances are you’re very empathetic and compassionate. When you see commercials about donations and nonprofits, your heartonline givinginstantly bleeds. And nothing fulfills you more than perhaps putting your time and effort at the local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.

Recognize, though, that this core basic need of contributing to mankind won’t just be about fulfilling you. But fulfilling those you’re contributing for.

Too often people get burned out — or even taken advantage of — because their sole purpose in their minds is to just help out. Still protect your own interests. Recognize that your giving isn’t just for your well-being, but others as well. Often the latter’s simply the most important to focus on.

That allows you to be vigilant and appropriate about what you devote your time to, because at the end of the day, the world still spins. And a kind thought or word has just as much power as a thousand-dollar donation in many cases. You only need to peer into the eyes of a child who you’re giving a happy meal to. And it’s more than enough.

So is contribution one of your basic needs?

If so, bravo. You’re a testament to the kindness we should all have. Out of all the core basic human needs, contribution may be the most selfless of them all. Do explore more about yourself, however, below, by joining our community and checking out our content. That may be the best contribution of all!

In fact, one might say that you contribute, or donate to a charity, or simply take the shirt off your back to give to someone else in need not because you “need” to, but because someone else does. In fact, that’s what giving is all about. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that giving time, money, or attention to something — the core human need of contribution — isn’t something us humans find absolutely critical to our survival.

How do you know contribution’s one of your core basic needs?


online giving


That’s easy. Chances are you’re very empathetic and compassionate. When you see commercials about donations and nonprofits, your heartinstantly bleeds. And nothing fulfills you more than perhaps putting your time and effort at the local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.

Recognize, though, that this core basic need of contributing to mankind won’t just be about fulfilling you. But fulfilling those you’re contributing for.

Too often people get burned out — or even taken advantage of — because their sole purpose in their minds is to just help out. Still protect your own interests. Recognize that your giving isn’t just for your well-being, but others as well. Often the latter’s simply the most important to focus on.

That allows you to be vigilant and appropriate about what you devote your time to, because at the end of the day, the world still spins. And a kind thought or word has just as much power as a thousand-dollar donation in many cases. You only need to peer into the eyes of a child who you’re giving a happy meal to. And it’s more than enough.

So is contribution one of your basic needs?

If so, bravo. You’re a testament to the kindness we should all have. Out of all the core basic human needs, contribution may be the most selfless of them all. Do explore more about yourself, however, below, by joining our community and checking out our content. That may be the best contribution of all!