Growth as a Human Need: Never Drowning Your Garden
Let's say you're a gardener. You have rows and rows of all sorts of flowers and plants: roses, daffodils, sunflowers, chrysanthemums. And your sole human need is to ensure their growth. Ensure they all get enough sunlight, water and other forms of nourishment. But you...
Practice Certainty Over Direction, Uncertainty Over Destination
You heard us talk about the core need of certainty. In that same vein, there's another need out of the six that apply to every human being. And it's called uncertainty! We know what you're thinking.... Whoa, wait a second, that can't be an ACTUAL core need. But it is....
Here’s Why Love May Be the Greatest — and Scariest — Human Need Ever
Ask anyone. Posing the question about the top human needs out there in today's world, and you'll get a list. A lot of the items on that list will vary. But one that will always be a constant 99.9% of the time in any list of basic human needs, a priority above all...
The 60/20 Relationship Rule: Walk Off the Chessboard
Instead of messing with those black and white squares, opt for level ground and simple colors that come with the 60/20 Relationship Rule! Find a valley with some gentle curves to it. Relax on the grass. You don't need pawns. You don't need rooks. You don't need...
The Need for Significance: Letting the Right Things Recognize Your Greatness
This core need all humans thrive on gets a bad rep sometimes. Why? Because we often end up feeling needy. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but the repercussions could be. We judge our worth by what others see, we judge our worth by what we're able to do, when we're...
The Need for Certainty in Your Life: It Reaches Beyond Safety
We all thirst for security in our lives -- the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the food we eat. If even for just a breath we find out that there's an air of uncertainty about any of those absolutes, we end up finding ourselves struggling, stressing and worrying...
The 3 People Types in Your Life (Pay No Attention to One of Them)
Would you like to know how many people there are on Earth since 2022? The number might make your jaw drop. You'll then wonder how on Earth you could ever associate with that many people, much less even want to. What with all the wars, disagreements, parties,...