Would you like to know how many people there are on Earth since 2022? The number might make your jaw drop. You’ll then wonder how on Earth you could ever associate with that many people, much less even want to. What with all the wars, disagreements, parties, marriages, bar mitzvahs, commencements, trials, board rooms and so much more, it’s exhausting. But we’ll ease you into that number very carefully….
Seven. Nine. Five. One. Billion. People. That’s a lot of people to fit on continents that hardly make up the majority of space on this rock called Earth.
This is important to know particularly because of the many people types there are given we’re all unique individuals. We often forget that while we’re all unique, you have to remember one thing specifically about your own life and how you have to manage it with all the people that may enter it (either positively or negatively). It’s simply this:
You’ll encounter only three people types. That’s it.
This is crucial to understand as you certainly don’t want to bulk up dozens of groups of people into one basket of how you want to deal with them. In this day and age, that’s easy to do with social media. Make one Facebook post, and just about every single “person” will get on there, comment, and maybe ruffle your feathers.
The way to ease past all the drama is to just remember: you’ll only find three types of people in your life. And one of those types? Keep in one “bucket” and never deal with it. Don’t even consider it. Don’t think about it. Don’t focus on it. Don’t dwell on it. Be at peace with it.
Here are the three types:
- Your tribe
- Your peers
- And the third…. The insignificants
Take a wild guess which one you should just not even spend any energy with.
We often forget how easy it is to segment all the people in our lives — the ones in our family, our very close loved ones (tribe), our professional acquaintances/friends, often the ones you work with and share practical experiences with (peers), and the third?
The insignificants. Don’t worry about them.
The insignificants are the ones that literally don’t matter one iota in your life at all. Remembering that makes it easy to train your heart and your head to keep it moving. Don’t sweat the small stuff, don’t get distracted. Don’t let the banter sway you away from what life really means to you — your tribe, your peers, your self.
That’s how you reach Xanadu.
Just in case, though, you need a little more assistance in that, check out the link below!