You heard us talk about the core need of certainty. In that same vein, there’s another need out of the six that apply to every human being. And it’s called uncertainty!

We know what you’re thinking…. Whoa, wait a second, that can’t be an ACTUAL core need. But it is.

Here’s why uncertainty in your life matters

Not a single human being in this world can control the weather. Nor can we control what happens to our bodies when we step outside. There’s this delicate, albeit rather chaotically beautiful, sense of incomprehensible disorder in the universe that no one can control.

So don’t. Forgive yourself for not having that power. In fact, you shouldn’t have it. If you did, you’d realize you never wanted it.

Always Grow Personally-uncertaintyHumans are hard-wired to want change. Without it, boredom creeps in. Monotony makes it way. It’s the death knell for human creativity. We generally as human beings love to experience new things, but we also take that with the chaotic side of it. Bad things can happen. Unforeseen circumstances. By happenstance. When you’re taken out of thatgeneral comfort zone of your everyday life, and things seem unfamliar to you, you will face some sort of adversity.

But rest assured: that adversity won’t be the end of you. Instead it will only seek to make you stronger.

The biggest challenge people have is how to balance the two

So what happens when you’re faced with these two core human needs? You want both. How do you reconcile them? Easier said than done. But one mantra sticks the most, and it goes like this: be certain of the road you’re on in your life….

But be uncertain of where that road will end.

In a way, you merge the two needs into one. And no matter what the world throws at you, chances are pretty good…. You’ll be for the most part prepared!

Ready to learn some more about yourself?

If so, that’s great. You might find a lot of your needs aren’t as perpendicular as some might think. The more you understand, your needs seem to overlap and even hold hands with each other. Think of it as being at peace with yourself — and all the unique aspects of you that make you, you.

If that isn’t contentment, we don’t know what is.