What makes us seek unhealthy habits? Why do we do the things we do we know are unhealthy? Here’s the answer:

Your six basic core needs are not being met

And the worst of it is we often don’t realize it. We’re too busy being inside ourselves, inside our lives, toiling away, not realizing we have simple solutions often right in front of us, but they’re so basic that we dismiss them. Yet if we understand what those basic core needs are and train ourselves to spot examples of them — and then grab hold for dear life as they’ll be the core of our success —

The fact is we’ll be untouchable. Adversity won’t get an inch. Make no mistake, it’ll come. But we’ll be prepared. Because the basic core needs will have been met. Here they are:

Now right off the bat, this entire list of core needs is also a mystery!

As in, where do you start? What exactly is significant to you? What does it mean to you to love and be loved? How do you grow personally? The issue is everyone’s different, so your goals in life will be different. You’ll prioritize any of these core needs more than others. Some of them are developed right from childhood whereas others often take a while, far into being an adult.

But the most important thing to understand about your core needs is that it will shape your life — either negatively, or positively.

How to opt for the latter? It all depends on how much you understand what you want — and why.

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